I’ve played the violin consistently for 60 years (non-professional) and absolutely love the instrument. After I retired I’ve learned how to build a bridge and soundpost, trim pegs and replace the tailpiece. My fiddle sounds a LOT better and I have a new hobby :-)
I read that chinrests centered over the tail piece dampen the vibrations less compared to side mounted clamps. I confirmed a slight acoustic improvement compared with my old chinrest that clamped to the left of the tailpiece.
The overall comfort of the chinrest exceeded my expectations. You get 4 shims for each clamp that range from 0 mm (flat) to 6 mm. I used a 4mm shim for the left clamp and 2mm for the right clamp to get a slight tilt. This rest along with a good shoulder rest is a perfect fit for my chin. If you have a long neck use a 6mm shim or 0mm for a short neck. I have never seen a chin-rest this flexible that takes away a lot of the muscle strain holding the instrument.